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Forum Index : : Topic - Postponed: Navodayans Get-Together@Bangalore on 20th January 2013?!!!
Author : REWA SMRITI JNV Name : Kolasi-Katihar-Bihar
No of Posts : 67 Date/time : 29-10-2012 12:19:36

Dear Navodayans,

We have come up with an idea of holding a Navodayans Get-Together@Bangalore on 20th January 2013 in upcoming month of next year.


As we all know that Bangalore is the central place where many navodayans are studying/working/living from various places of India. By hosting this meet, our aim will be twofold: First, to know each other and propose for future plan through our mutual discussion. Secondly, to make this event a memorable event via our interaction as we know for the development of any action, interaction is very important and to build a network of JNVians who are living in Bangalore or nearby Bangalore. 

It will be a meet for a day. We will mention the name of venue soon. The chief guests and guests, who are going to interact and motivate the alumni, will be a surprise on this occasion. All the alumni who are in Bangalore or nearby Bangalore are invited for this meeting. If any alumni from other states/regions want to attend this gathering, they are also most welcome. Kindly confirm your availability so that we can proceed accordingly. We want to know roughly how many of alumni will gather for the event so that we can make better arrangements.

Dear friends, we can't return what navodaya has given us but at least we can try to give back to the society as much as possible by participating in this event. Our little effort can shape the future of those growing navodyans. We would love your thoughts and ideas in order to make this event a special, memorable and successful to carry forward the torch of responsible JNV alumni and students. So, please drop your comments and share your ideas!

For any further query or assistance, please post your message/comment here or feel free to write us on:,,,

Or to give your name for confirmation, you may kindly call any one of our following Co-ordinators:


Let's Get Together...!!!  And keep watching this space...


Rewa Smriti

Author : MANJUNATH.S JNV Name : Yenigadale-Kolar-Karnataka
No of Posts : 2 Date/Time : 03-11-2012 8:10:49
Hai JNV Folks,

Thanks to choose Bangalore for Get-together meet on Jan 20th.

I will try my best to gather my friends circle to participate on this event to share their ideas , suggestions, developing ideas to help society for any cause from JNV alumni crew and sweet memories.

Hami Navodaya hooooo.....

Urs JNV Alumnite,
Manjunath S

Author : BALRAM PARMAR JNV Name : Shyampur-Sehore-Madhya Pradesh
No of Posts : 2 Date/Time : 03-11-2012 14:40:28
Hi Didi,
            Thanks for initiating this event,we would surely be there to be participate in the event.

Balram Parmar

Author : ARUN KUMAR S I JNV Name : Hothpet-Gulbarga-Karnataka
No of Posts : 1 Date/Time : 29-11-2012 1:35:14

It's a great opportunity to know all Navodayans each other, in Bangalore. Looking forward to be part of this great,rare and wonderful event.

Arun Kumar S I


Author : RATNAVEER JNV Name : Narayanapur-Bidar-Karnataka
No of Posts : 1 Date/Time : 29-11-2012 6:45:16
Dear All,
Very glad to know about the event. I am attending this event.
(JNV Bidar - 1990-1997)

Author : REWA SMRITI JNV Name : Kolasi-Katihar-Bihar
No of Posts : 67 Date/Time : 29-11-2012 8:30:46
Dear All,

Thank you so much for kind reply....Also if anybody is interested to participate and share the work actively for this meet, they are most welcome.

Rewa Smriti

Author : ASHISH GAUTAM JAMGADE JNV Name : Navegaon Kheri-Nagpur-Maharashtra
No of Posts : 2 Date/Time : 03-12-2012 22:25:36

Dear all,

I am attending this event...and thakx for such a event.

Ashish Jamgade



Author : REWA SMRITI JNV Name : Kolasi-Katihar-Bihar
No of Posts : 67 Date/Time : 13-01-2013 11:14:32

Dear All,

It is with great regret that we have to announce that, due
to Pre Board exam, we are postponing the Get Together scheduled for 20th
January 2013.

As discussed with principal sir(JNV Rural) today, the Pre Board Exam is
going to start from 17th, so we have to postpone it for the time
being because we have chosen the venue for this event is JNV Rural, Bangalore.

It is an immediate announcement and we will be
announcing the future date soon. We are sorry for any
inconvenience caused.


Rewa Smriti

Author : HANSRAJ SAH JNV Name : Lalmatia-Godda-Jharkhand
No of Posts : 10 Date/Time : 09-03-2013 5:47:12
thanks for this events..........

by-hansraj sah